Thursday, August 27, 2009

Agents of Change! - Day 1 Progress

The GS Juniors have plowed right ahead with their project plans. Tonight I received the following letter in my e-mail (it was sent to the SU Team). Please keep in mind, when reading it, that it was composed by two girls who begin fourth grade in two weeks and typed and e-mailed by one of those girls - except for replacing the name of the Service Unit for privacy, I have left it exactly as it was typed for integrity's sake.

Dear [Name Removed for Privacy] Service Unit,

As troops 51088 and 51060 we would like to redecorate the GS room. In our Journey, we need to accomplish a take action project. We would like to add more color by sponging the wall different colors.

We are writing to you so we can get permission to add more color and paint donations. The colors we would like are bright green,light blue,red and, yellow. We will greatly accept any other colors.

Along with the paint we could use donations of
paint brushes
paint tape
or money to shop with

$50 would be great, if we did not use it all we would return the balance. We also want to put the GS Promise and GS Law on boards in the room for all to see.

We want to bcome agents of change!!

Thank you for your time.

troops 51088 and 51060

On another front, my Junior went with me to the laundromat this morning, and while we were waiting for the dryers to be done, she had her book open to the GS Promise and GS Law. She told me the letters and punctuation needed, and I made tally marks for her. Finding out that they would need 50+ "o"s and 30+ "e"s was enough to make her and one of the other girls rethink their plan. They agreed to ask the other girl's parents if they could borrow their stencil set. My daughter and I are supposed to go over to their house next week with some paper and tape. They'll trace the stencils and then color in the letters for the Promise and Law.

For labeling the troop areas on the wall, they'll use pre-sticky letters and numbers from the store. They're now polling the other 3 girls to decide whether each box will be labeled with "Troop #####," "Tr. #####," or simply "#####."

The other update I was given today was that the 3 C words (Courage, Confidence, Character) and the troop area frames/lines are going to be stenciled using sponge brushes so there's a "bubbly look" to them (I think they mean "stippled").

Color me impressed!

Tomorrow my daughter is spending the afternoon and evening with my mother who has offered her group two framed posters for the room. One is purple with a gray-scale photo of Girl Scout memorabilia; I don't remember what it says. The other is from GS of Philadelphia (or a council name like that) and is titled "Words of Well-Being." It also has a GS trefoil shape made using quotes from a variety of women. It will be interesting to see if my daughter believes they have value for the redecoration process.

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